
We are pleased to offer a broad selection of clubs to cultivate the varied interests of our students. We encourage our students to participate in clubs to develop new friendships and skills and to gain leadership experiences. Participation in clubs creates lasting memories and broadens the scope of experience during these very important high school years.

We invite you to check out the many activities we have going on and get involved!

Student Council

The student council of Capitan High School is representative of the entire student body. We elect council officers and student representatives each fall. Our student council represents the highest student organization in the school. Under the guidance of Mr. Christopher Scott, we are responsible for approving and coordinating all organization fund raisers and conducting conflict resolution as needed.

National Honor Society

Membership in the National Honor Society is both an honor and a responsibility. We expect students elected to membership to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, and develop character.

To be eligible for membership in the NHS you must have a minimum 3.5 GPA in the solid subjects (math, English, languages, social studies, and science) for the previous three semesters and have no individual grade of D or F. The NHS Faculty Council approves student applications for membership based on accomplishments in the areas of leadership, service, and character. Please contact Mrs. Janice Muller for more information.


FFA plays an important role in preparing students for post-school endeavors. We are a youth organization of VoAg students who hold high goals and standards. We meet monthly after school led by Mr. Bill Howard, our chapter sponsor.

The following are the aims and purposes of FFA:

  • To develop competent and aggressive leadership
  • To strengthen students’ confidence
  • To create interest in agricultural occupations
  • To encourage students to improve the home and its surroundings
  • To develop character, citizenship, and patriotism
  • To participate in a cooperative effort
  • To improve scholarship


Our marching band participates in football games, marching festivals, parades, and special events during the first half of the school year. During the second semester, our concert band performs concerts and participates in festivals as well as group and individual contests. The band program is under the direction of Mr. DuWayne Shaver.


Under the direction of Mr. DuWayne Shaver, the choir performs in several concerts and participates in group and individual contests. During the first semester, we sing in the traditional choral setting. During the second semester, we incorporate dance and choreography into more contemporary music selections.


Our yearbook team works to document the people and events as they unfold during the course of the school year. As a member of the yearbook staff, you have the opportunity to immortalize, in print, the memories that will stay with your classmates for a lifetime. Please contact Mrs. Wood if you are interested in joining our staff.