Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve compiled a list of the questions we’re asked most frequently. Detailed information is provided in the student handbook, located under the student and parent quick links at the top of the website. Don’t worry, if we still haven’t addressed your question, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help!

What time should my child report to class?

Students enrolled in zero-hour report to class at 7:00 a.m. All other students report to class at 7:50 a.m. On late-start days, classes are delayed two hours with all students reporting to class at 9:50 a.m. For a complete bell schedule, visit the Welcome page.

What is the activity fee used for?

We require every student in middle and high school to pay a $10 activity fee at registration. Upon payment of the activity fee, we will issue you a student ID card, which we require for entry to all regular season sports events. We will charge a $5.00 fee to replace lost cards. We will also issue parking permits as part of the activity fee.

What is the student parking policy?

We allow high school students who have earned their driver’s license to park a vehicle in our campus parking lot. Student vehicles parked on campus are subject to search of drugs, alcohol, and other contraband. We reserve the right to revoke parking privileges for safety and behavior infractions. We will issue parking permits upon payment of the $10 activity fee and verification of the following items:

  • Valid driver’s license
  • Proof of insurance
  • Current registration
Can my son/daughter leave school on his/her own for lunch or other engagements?

All of our schools operate as closed campuses. We do not allow students to leave campus or return to their vehicles during the school day. We do permit exceptions in cases where students are checked out by their parents, for students who attend school on a reduced schedule, and for critical appointments.

How will I hear about delays, cancellations, or early dismissal times due to inclement weather?

We will notify parents, students, and staff via the district’s School Messenger system. Please be sure that we have your current phone number, so that you receive these notifications. We will also notify local radio and TV stations by 6:00 a.m. of a delay or cancellation. We will notify those same local broadcast stations by 8:00 a.m. if a delay is changed to a cancellation.

Does Capitan High School have a dress code?

We expect our students to dress neatly, cleanly, and modestly. We prohibit clothing, hairstyles, and accessories that disrupt the learning environment. Please review the student manuals located under the quick links at the top of the page.

  • We do not allow bare-midriff, halter, spandex, tank, or see-through tops.
  • We require that shorts, skirts, and dresses reach at least mid-thigh.
  • We do not permit spandex shorts, skirts, or dresses.
  • Pants cannot sag (sized too large, worn low on the hips), and pant legs cannot drag on the floor.
  • We do not allow excessive holes or tears in clothing that reveal skin or “underwear” above mid-thigh.
  • We do not permit sexually explicit or implied obscenity on clothing or jewelry.
  • We will remove students with hair coloring, hair styling, tattooing, or piercing deemed disruptive to the educational environment
What is the cell phone policy?

We prohibit cell phone use between the hours of 7:55 a.m. and 4:05 p.m.

What is the high school dance policy?

We have the following rules in place, so that we can safely sponsor this type of activity:

  • We require the presence of the class or organization sponsor and at least four additional adults.
  • All dances terminate promptly at 11:00 p.m. except for the homecoming, winter ball, and prom night dances, which end at midnight.
  • We will not allow any alcohol, drugs, or tobacco of any kind.
  • We expect students to remain at the dance after entering. Students who leave the dance may not return.
  • We only allow students presently enrolled in Capitan schools to attend. You must obtain permission from the principal prior to the event if you wish to bring someone who is not enrolled in our schools.
  • We will not tolerate misconduct. We will instruct offenders to leave the dance, and we will notify the student’s parents as soon as possible. We will pursue disciplinary action on the next day school is in session.
  • We require the sponsoring organizations to clean-up after the event.
  • We only permit high school students in grades 9-12 to attend.